Bukonzo Progressive Farmers Group is located in Muhindi village, Muhindi parish, Nyakiyumbu Sub County (Lat. 0.049795, Lon. 29.8149 Alt. 1577. The Association has a total membership of 515 out of whom 42% are women and 58% men. This is one of the farmer’s groups, a member of NUCAFE, created with the vision of reducing ignorance, poverty among the members and promote household income sustainability of individual members. This association has supported the farmers to move from selling coffee as red cherries, from the exchange of coffee for household items (Barter Trade) to marketing their coffee as a finished product and exporting it. This has been done by extending sustainable finance, marketing, and coffee production capacity building services to the members.
According to Ithungu Teddy the business manager, the major focus of (BPFG) is high-quality coffee production for specialty markets. This can be witnessed by the outstanding coffee produced in 2018 from which over 5.5 Mts were exported to Caffè River Italy through the NUCAFE market linkage service. This coffee has been having scored over 83.5% in the cup and attracted a quality premium.
From the committee meeting we held at the start of the 2019-2020 coffee season we prioritized replacement of the bridge along Bukangara stream (Olhusi Bukangara) which had been washed away by the rain at the start of the season. This bridge serves the communities of Kabingo, Kathanda, Muhindi, Kyabayora, and Kighuthu in Nyakiyumbu and Munkunyu sub-counties.
This was greatly appreciated by the local leaders and members of the community who offered to participate in the replacement of the bridge, providing labor and collection of other materials such as stones from the tributaries of River Mubuku.
This has improved the transportation of farmer’s products from the gardens high up in the market, to the trading centers at the low lands.