Closest Connection, our distinctive way of working
Our coffee is first and foremost that of the farmers.
Whenever possible, we reach the furthest lands and get to know personally the members of the families and farmers’ associations we collaborate with, in order to operate according to the principles of the Closest Connection.
With the utmost respect for people and the environment, working alongside the farmers, we select the best green coffees and export them, guaranteeing traceability, adherence to high ethical standards, and product quality.
The farmers are therefore responsible and proud of their coffee which bears their name and tells their story.

Closest Connection
What do we do differently?
In the “conventional” supply chain there are numerous steps between the coffee farmer and the consumer. Before reaching the roaster, the coffee undergoes a long and complex journey between intermediaries, cooperatives, exporters, major importers, and small distributors.
The end result is that the farmer gets a low economic benefit and almost always remains unknown. His coffee is thus “depersonalized”, deprived of its identity and its history.
With Closest Connection we are cutting out the coffee supply chain, placing the values of environmental and social sustainability at the center of our work.
In fact, we do not rely on intermediaries but we buy green coffee directly from the farmers and their associations, establishing commercial, personal, friendly relationships
We bear greater risks and costs and face greater complexity, but we also reach higher levels of quality, establish amazing human relationships and personalize each blend to tell a story of love and passion for coffee.
Coffee Farmers
Colonia Huanca, Pichanaki
Familia Caballero Quispe
Near the majestic Amazon Rainforest, in the foothills of the dizzying Andes, in an impervious and fascinating place called Chanchamayo, Shirley Caballero Quispe cultivates her coffee with love, certain that the passion for her work can overcome any adversity.
This commitment, handed down to her by her father, is repaid by a very high-quality coffee, with remarkable hints of hazelnut and cocoa, and a sweet lemon aftertaste.
Cultivated at an altitude of 1,250 meters above sea level and harvested in July, Shirley’s coffee washed-Arabica (Catuaì and Caturra) is Organic-certified and Rainforest Alliance-certified.
Coffee Farmers
Costa Rica
San Marcos de Tarrazú
Familia Esquivel Picado
Minor Esquivel’s family produces coffee of the highest quality at the farm called La Pastora, located at an altitude between 1,300 and 1,600 meters above sea level.
Immersed in the breathtaking scenery near San Marcos de Tarrazú, Don Minor, his wife doña Dilcia, their three children Yaindra, Nitzi, and Bryan, as well as their grandchildren, work with passion and care at the coffee harvest, in which several Panamanian families also participate.
Coffee Farmers
Coffee Farmers